Want to write for excluded fashion?
Become a contributor today!
Be a part of the change. Apply to become a contributor today.
This site could never happen without you! We are constantly striving to add new voices to our site and represent women of all backgrounds, body types ages, style etc. Apply now to become a contributor and have your voice be heard in the fashion industry.
Become a part of the change for diversity, equity and inclusion in the fashion industry today.

What’s in it for me?
Becoming an Excluded Fashion contributor will give you applicable experience in the fashion, lifestyle and editorial industry, along with the opportunity to be published on a national digital publication. Working regularly and directly with our editorial team will also provide valuable mentorship to you as a member of an editorial team and as a writer.
Writers will have the opportunity to interact with and hear firsthand from fashion industry insiders through content research and exposure with the opportunity to promote your portfolio, social handles, etc.

what we offer
Flexible rates
For experienced writers
increased reach
Get seen by new audiences
community access
Be the first to join our beta site (coming soon)
ways you can contribute
Blogs are at the heart of what we do here and we are hiring! We need new voices from women all around the world in order to lift up our community. Apply and get paid for your blog content today.
Do you love social media but want to express yourself in a new creative outlet? We want to feature you! Apply for opportunities to get paid and promoted through social
We are constantly doing our research on how to improve the fashion industry as a whole, but we can’t do it without your opinion. Get paid to take our periodic surveys
Other ideas
Have an idea you’re passionate about that you have seen on our platform yet? We want to hear from you on what would make this site the most inclusive experience possible.
RECENT collaborator content

apply now
Excluded Fashion Open Submission
If you would like to contribute a single piece for publication on Excludedfashion.com, please submit your draft through our open submission form. We’re currently looking for original, compelling content on fashion, lifestyle and social issues with unique perspectives from women of all backgrounds, ages and sizes. Drafts should be as close to publishable as possible, meaning all of your facts should be credited to reliable sources, expert commentary should be included if necessary, featured images included and your copy should be clean.